
Is delivery taking over?

May 31, 2019

Combating the high street offering is tougher than ever thanks to delivery options being so widely available. This, and the...

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Digital change – what does the future hold?

April 29, 2019

Technological advances are shaping the world rapidly and businesses have to keep up, in fact, “At least 40% of all...

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Getting to grips with Brexit

April 9, 2019

Meet Jim Gouldie, our Supply Chain and Technical Services Director. ‘Clarity’ and ‘confidence’ are words that you will rarely have...

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#ChoosetoReuse – Why we need to reduce, reuse and recycle

November 13, 2018

Meet Elise Rawlins, our Sustainable Development Advisor, and learn more about the important of reducing, reusing and recycling more. In...

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Future thinking for Contract Catering

October 30, 2018

Despite uncertainty in the wider market, the Contract Catering market continues to show positives for growth in the future. It’s...

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#RootingForVeg – the pledge for more veg by Gail Bridgeman

October 4, 2018

Meet Gail Bridgeman, our Head of Commercial Campaigns & Activation, and learn more about how we are supporting the pledge...

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Virtual reality waiters, blood type menus, and 3D printers in the kitchen – is this the future, and are we prepared?

September 11, 2018

Sarah Whiddett – Head of Insight & Customer Experience Back in June I presented at the FWD annual conference about...

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Working in partnership with our suppliers – by Mahesh Patel, Director of Buying

August 28, 2018

At Bidfood, we are keen to work collaboratively with our suppliers to help them provide us with price-competitive products and...

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A positive approach to sugar reduction by Kirstie Jackson

July 30, 2018

Meet Kirstie Jackson, our Own Brand Product & Project manager and learn about her perspective on PHE’s Sugar Reduction Programme...

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Why personalisation is a must

July 30, 2018

Personalisation is changing the face of the food and drink industry and it is a great way to help you...

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