Behind Bidfood

The best of Scottish sourcing at Bidfood Scotland

January 17, 2023

Here at Bidfood Scotland, we work with over 100 suppliers across 500 products to bring you the best of Scottish...

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How does Bidfood celebrate Christmas?

December 21, 2022

It’s Christmaaaaaas! At Bidfood, like many, we love a reason to celebrate and Christmas offers up the perfect excuse to...

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Delivering service excellence

October 3, 2022

At Bidfood, our people and our customers are at the heart of what we do. This Customer Service Week 2022,...

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Why you should join us on Springboard’s virtual race to Qatar

September 7, 2022

…and back again! Here at Bidfood we’re ready and set to take part in Springboard’s virtual race to Qatar and...

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How is Bidfood aiming to be a positive force for change?

August 23, 2022

The urgency of climate change can no longer be ignored – science shows that our planet is heating up and...

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A better sustainable future: game on!

April 22, 2022

Earlier this year (March ’22) I started an MSc in Sustainability, for many reasons. On a personal level, I love...

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3 reasons why Bidfood support WRAP’s Water Roadmap

December 6, 2021

As of November 2021, Bidfood joined a growing list of organisations that have signed up as supporters of WRAP’s water...

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3 things I learned at COP26

November 15, 2021

The much anticipated COP26 climate talks (delayed from 2020) started on 31st October in Glasgow and have been hitting the...

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3 reasons why we signed up to the Better Business Act coalition

August 10, 2021

Well, I guess you could say the clue’s in the title, why wouldn’t any self-respecting company sign up to promote...

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3 things we’ve done to reduce our plastic impact

July 22, 2021

The negative effects of plastic pollution have truly come to light in the past few years and talk around the...

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