
Date posted: 24/08/2018

Vietnamese Shaking Beef Bowl

  • Serves 2
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Prep Premium FireHouse oil 20ml
Beef fillet strips 200g
Lime, juiced 1
Tamarind 10g
Soy 10g
Oyster mushrooms, chopped 30g
Spring onions 30g
Green beans 30g
Everyday Favourites Basmati rice 100g
Cumin seed 5g
Fennel 5g


  1. Fry beef in Prep Premium FireHouse oil for one minute and add lime, tamarind, soy, mushrooms, onions and green beans and fry for a further three minutes.
  2. Add cumin and fennel to rice and cook for 10-12 minutes until fluff.
  3. In a bowl serve a timbale of rice with beef on the side.
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