
Date posted: 26/02/2019

Strawberry Angel Delight jelly pots

  • Serves 10
Votes: 11 Average: 4


McDougall’s® strawberry jelly crystals 130g
Boiling water 675ml
Frozen summer berries, defrosted 150g
Cold water 350ml
Angel Delight® strawberry 125g
Fresh blueberries 25g


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  1. Add the McDougall’s® jelly crystals to boiling water and stir until they dissolve.
  2. Pour the solution into serving pots or bowls, and leave to set in the fridge.
  3. To make the Angel Delight®, pour the cold water into a mixing bowl fitted with a whisk. Add the Angel Delight® strawberry and whisk for 30 seconds on slow speed.
  4. Scrape down, increase the speed to high, and allow to whisk for 5 minutes (do not over-whisk).
  5. Place the summer berries on top of the set jelly, then pipe the Angel Delight® on top. Chill for one hour.
  6. Garnish with fresh blueberries.
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