
Date posted: 29/01/2024

Lakeland Dairies broccoli power soup

    Votes: 1 Average: 5


    Broccoli florets 860g
    Millac Gold Double 200g
    Lakeland Dairies Butter 60g


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    1. Rinse the broccoli florets.
    2. Boil the broccoli florets in salted water for 4 minutes, covering with a lid to ensure the broccoli stays green.
    3. Drain the broccoli and keep the stock water.
    4. Place the broccoli and 400g of stock into a blender and blend on a high speed to puree.
    5. Season with salt and pepper.
    6. Add the Millac Gold Double and Lakeland Dairies Butter and blend on high speed.
    7. Pour the soup into bowls, decorate with blanched, fried broccoli and few drops of olive oil and a swirl of Millac Gold for an exquisite mouth feel.
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