
Date posted: 27/09/2022

Katta sambol

This refreshing side dish is made from fresh tomato, chilli and onion.

  • Serves 1
  • Timing: 10 mins
Votes: 1 Average: 5


Hot chilli powder 6g
Sea salt 6g
Lime (loose pack, chilled) 2 pieces
Plum tomatoes (chilled) 600g
Red chillies (chilled) 20g
Red onion (chilled) 30g


  1. Put the lime zest and juice into a bowl.
  2. Separately, place the chilli, chilli powder and onion into a food processor and pulse together until chopped. Add the skinned and de-seeded tomato and pulse together until it’s lightly broken down.
  3. Transfer the mixture into the same bowl as the lime juice and mix all ingredients together. The consistency should similar to a salsa.
  4. Finally, season with salt just before serving up.
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