
Date posted: 19/06/2018

Cannellini bean with vegetables pizza

  • Serves 1
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Napolina Cannellini Beans, drained 220g 1
Napolina extra virgin olive oil 2 tsps
Cloves of garlic, finely chopped 2
Napolina green pesto 4 tsps
Cherry tomatoes, halved 6
Courgette slices 6
Red onion, sliced into strips ½
Large yellow pepper, sliced into strips ¼


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  1. Make your own pizza bases using Napolina's 'how to make pizza dough' video on the 'Cooking with Napolina' YouTube channel and try this alternative pizza recipe for your topping!
  2. Drain the cannellini beans and pour into a bowl, mashing until smooth.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and add this to the bowl.
  4. Stir in 4 teaspoons of green pesto and the extra virgin olive oil and mix well.
  5. Spread a thin layer of bean mixture across the pizza base.
  6. Halve the cherry tomatoes, slice the courgette into discs and slice the yellow pepper and red onion into long strips.
  7. Place evenly all around the top of the pizza.
  8. Put the pizza in a preheated oven at 220°c / Fan 200°c / Gas Mark 7 for 10 minutes until golden and crispy.
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