Caterers calendar

Welcome to our Caterers Calendar where you'll find upcoming awareness days, weeks and months, as well as holidays and major events for the months ahead. Here you can view our industry wide latest guides, trends, innovation and more no matter your business type or size, we've got you covered so you'll never miss an event.

For a more tailored experience, we've also got sector specific theme days guides available, tailored to help your sector celebrate all sized occasions from a National food day to a major sporting event. Our guides are personalised for your sector filled with recipe inspiration, top tips and printable posters for you to elevate your food offerings for these unmissable occasions.

We've also included our Bidfood events such our local depot shows, Bidfood Kitchen and webinars so you can mark your diaries and join us!

Use the filter function below if you only want to view one of our three types of content available – industry wide, theme days and Bidfood events – or just view everything, the choice is yours! If you prefer viewing this as a monthly calendar, please use the burger menu to the right, just below.

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English Wine Week

Our range of Unity wines brings you the very best selection with a team of category experts on hand to...

Father’s Day

Need some inspiration for creating a fantastic Father’s Day menu? In this video our very own chefs, Martin Eshelby and...

Allergy Awareness Week

Introduced in October 2021, Natasha’s Law, a food labelling legislation, means that businesses must label all foods pre-packed for direct...

Zero Waste Week

Aiming to raise awareness about the environmental impact of waste, what better way to kick off Zero Waste Week than...

National Curry Week

This year marks the 24th National Curry Week and it presents the perfect opportunity for any establishment to refresh their...

St Andrews Day

It’s time to celebrate the patron saint of Scotland through Scottish culture, music and most importantly…food! What greater way to...

Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a great time to try new flavours and indulge in your own Boxing Day menu. Take a...

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight is all about showing support for all of the farmers, workers and organisations in countries that are disadvantaged...

HCA Forum

Bidfood will be in attendance at this year’s Hospital Caterers Association Forum held at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole. The HCA...

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