by Emily Lowery

Top tips to keep customers engaged through social media

Top tips to keep customers engaged through social media

Even though we are in another lockdown, there is a huge opportunity to reach customers, build brand awareness and drive engagement. That opportunity is using social media effectively.

I recently appeared on our Talking Food with Bidfood podcast to discuss how to keep customers engaged through social media. I’ve summarised my points below and you can listen to the full episode at the bottom of the blog (or on our podcast page!)

Be active

Now is the time to really be active and present on social media. I’m not saying you should post constantly (quality over quantity!), but you should definitely post regularly. You want your followers to know if you’re open for takeaway or if you’re getting ready to re-open… you don’t want them to forget about you.

Share your story

Everyone has a story behind their brand and sharing yours is a great way to help people connect with you. Tell them about the journey you’ve been on to get to where you are now. Talk about what you’re doing for your customers. Highlight how customers are enjoying your food at home or even reminisce on times where they were enjoying your food at your outlet! You want to build a connection and make people miss you.

Leverage Local

Your local community will be your customers so make sure you’re getting seen by them! Geo-tagging posts with your location is such an easy way to be easily discoverable. So many people browse through geo-tags and if they can see your posts on there, teasing the delicious food you offer, they just might save your post to order with you later. You can also use Facebook Ads Manager to advertise your posts, using postcodes of local areas to help your reach.

Show your face

It’s simple… people connect with people. Make sure you’re showing yourself or your teams in your content. Not sure how to do this? Simply try to encourage your chef to maybe video themselves cooking a delicious dish or maybe have someone from your team talk to camera about a new, exciting option on your takeaway menu… this will really help your audience connect with you and show the personality behind your brand.

Encourage engagement

A great way to drive engagement on your content is by holding competitions. You could encourage people to tag friends in the comments of your post to win a free drink or meal. This leads people to interact with your brand and can help you reach potential new customers!

You can hear more tips from me on the Talking Food with Bidfood podcast episode – don’t forget to share this post or episode if you found it useful!


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