by Gemma Benford

Takeroo? How to adapt to a take-away or delivery style service

Takeroo? How to adapt to a take-away or delivery style service

Well what a frantic few weeks it has been. Outlets have had to adapt quicker than ever, with new concepts that would have normally taken months being turned around in days. Incredible.  It’s fantastic to see so much innovation launching in the industry including many new take-away and delivery offers.

53% of consumers are believed to be ordering via take-away, with 13% of those being first time users.* This is likely to grow in the forthcoming weeks and months as dining in rather than dining out becomes the new norm. Whilst TV chefs are encouraging us to get canny with ingredients, sometimes dialling in seems like the easiest thing.

But, if you’ve never operated a take-away service before it can seem daunting. So we’ve put together some top tips to help you build customer trust and loyalty.

  1. Do what you do well
    Your delivery menu should feature your trusted best-sellers that are quick to prepare once the order comes through, plus any new dishes that are easy to serve.
  2. Can you pack hot and cold food separately?
    To preserve eating quality, separate dishes by temperature.  Or, better still, could components be separated out for self-build on arrival?
  3. Tin-foil containers and foil-lined bags are your new best friends
    But for wet dishes only, use hole-punched versions to keep things crispy.
  4. Boost confidence with evidence of food safety
    Let’s face it, who doesn’t like un-wrapping things? An extra paper wrap, or a simple branded label used as a tamper-proof seal does wonders for brand building.
  5. Continue to care after dishes have left the building
    If you’re in this for the long run, invest in labelling equipment to highlight nutritionals, consider allergens and re-heating or food expiry details.
  6. Meal deals sell. It’s a fact
    Create your own and don’t forget the beverages. If you’re delivering one part of the meal, why not deliver it all?
  7. Gift vouchers are perfect for events and celebrations
    And if your customers are tech-savvy, can you synchronise deliveries to multiple households for virtual dining together?
  8. Reassure, reassure and reassure
    Food safety is the biggest barrier to purchase so remember to update your customers on hygiene procedures from your kitchen to their door.
  9. Secure repeat custom
    With a subscription service and loyalty card promotions.
  10. Help create moments of calmness and joy
    Consider your role in maintaining mental and emotional wellbeing.
  11. The little extras count
    Where can you add value to your customer experience? After dinner chocolate or branded napkins? Drinks pairing? Adding shopping essentials to your menu?
  12. Choose smart products and handy dishes
    If you’re short on staff or time, use our finished products so that you don’t under-deliver on quality.
  13. Look after your cyclists and drivers and they will look after you
    A bottle of water on a hot day, a cup of coffee to go and always a kind word.
  14. Start local and grow from there
    Treat food delivery as you would any new offer and only scale up when you’ve learnt the basics around what sells and travels well.
  15. The food delivery market is here to stay
    Think brunch, think dinner and think comfort food treats.


No one knows how long it will be until we can visit our favourite pub or restaurant for a sit down meal again but it’s unlikely that consumer behaviour will shift overnight. It will take time for consumers to become confident in venturing out. Despite how quickly the market has changed there are still opportunities to adapt to a take-away or delivery style service. Take a look at how we can can support you to get started or improve your offer with ideas, packaging and product suggestions.

*MCA Allegra

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