by Amy-Jane Cahalane

Guest Blog: Springboard’s response to Covid-19

Guest Blog: Springboard’s response to Covid-19

We are all seeing and feeling the impact that COVID-19 is having on people’s everyday lives and the economy. The hospitality industry (and its people) have been one of the worst hit by the social distancing measures put in place. Covid-19 has also had a devastating impact on the charity sector with income disappearing overnight, despite the need for their services growing rapidly. It has been a necessity to quickly reinvent delivery models in the face of social distancing, with a lack of resource and reduced workforce.

That’s why The Springboard Charity launched a £500,000 appeal to food and drink manufacturers, wholesalers and distributers, to support unemployed or disadvantaged adults now and when the industry emerges from the coronavirus crisis. With the support of Bidfood and other key partners, we sent a letter to 90 of the UK’s biggest food businesses asking them to donate either £25,000, £10,000 or £5,000 to the appeal. All of the funds raised will go towards helping us support young people and unemployed or disadvantaged adults through the current pandemic crisis, so that they are ready for employment in hospitality when the industry re-emerges.

Springboard have continued to provide crucial support services to our current trainees, who should have already entered a fulfilling career within hospitality, having worked hard to graduate from one of our pioneering and award-winning employability programmes. They are now struggling to cope without an income and are relying on us, more than ever before, to keep them engaged and motivated. We are also taking on new trainees, potentially thousands more, in the coming months.

In response to the covid-19 crisis, Springboard have adapted over 40 of our knowledge, skills and training modules, making them available online. These modules have been specifically designed to support and motivate our trainees at this incredibly challenging time, and include introductory training for qualifications, practical skills and techniques, CV writing, interview skills, resilience, confidence and mindfulness. Our expert team are also innovating by using a variety of online tools to make themselves available through our social channels and on group webinars, via phone, email and messaging to offer 1-2-1 support and advice when needed, including interview practice.

When we emerge from this crisis, these people will be ready and better able to secure employment. Springboard is at the front line of the recovery process to help the hospitality industry thrive again with a strong and resilient workforce. As the social distancing restrictions are lifted, Springboard will be vital to help the industry and the workforce rebuild itself. Please find out more about Springboard and how you can help our work continue at

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