by Joe Angliss

5 reasons why you should start forward planning for autumn

5 reasons why you should start forward planning for autumn
As all sectors are finally able to re-open their doors in this period, we’re really excited to welcome back our customers!

Whilst things get back to some normality, for hopefully the last time, there will still be a number of challenges and opportunities to come over the hill. To help you with forward planning for it, I’ve put together 5 reasons why you should plan as much as you can now ahead of autumn.


1. Consumer habits and expectations have changed, so plan your menu accordingly

Don’t lose sight on what you’re known for as this is what customers will have missed the most! However, don’t forget to review how you can make small changes to your menu and site to adapt to shifting needs that have developed over the pandemic. These slight tweaks to your menu are a great way of wowing customers and provokes them to want to come back again. The best thing is to digest what is on-trend at the moment and look for opportunities for how learnings from this can be applied to your menu. Our trends for 2021 update is perfect with helping you to do that!


2. As the season changes, there will be more in-door occasions, so plan for how you can keep staff safe and sites open

First of all, make sure you review rules regularly and make sure you’re compliant at all times. If you also clearly display your cleaning and hygiene protocols, this will ensure that you ease any anxieties people have with returning back to normal. You can never reassure your customers enough, plus it helps to keep your staff safe and doors open.


3. Natasha’s Law will soon be law and this will lead to big changes required

The legislative changes for Natasha’s Law will take place in October and this will come up very quickly. You’ll need to plan your product ranges accordingly and you’ll need to train your teams up to be aware of how this may impact your sites. If you’re not 100% on what you should be doing, take a look at the resources we have available to support.


4. All sectors will be remobilising as we head to autumn and demand will be high

As school holidays end and city trade picks back up from workplaces reopening, we’re planning for an uplift in sites reopening. If you can, stock up to reflect normal trading levels. Plan your menus early and order in advance where possible. Finally, make sure to place larger orders where you can to alleviate pressures on the supply chain too.


5. There are huge opportunities to take advantage of coming up!

What will Christmas be like this year? You probably need a crystal ball to guess that, but one thing you can guarantee is that for this period, there will be a lot of catching up to do and making up for missed occasions going into 2022. From missed birthdays, to weddings, we’ve all had to miss out on different celebrations and events since the beginning of the pandemic. Help customers catch up and celebrate however you can by capitalising on this opportunity. For example, could you send promotional vouchers to customers that offers something like a ‘free glass of fizz’ if you’re celebrating a missed birthday?


Business is back and we can’t wait to see you again. If you are looking for more support around how we can specifically support your business with forward planning, read our new guide for more.

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