by Michaela Bateman

4 ways to reduce cleaning and washroom costs

4 ways to reduce cleaning and washroom costs
As we are approaching the warmer months it is time to spring clean!

Now we know you clean all year round and it is a big priority for your business, but with that also comes big costs that are not tangible to your profits. With energy prices and food costs that keep on rising, cleaning is the area you can save on costs by using products that have been developed to work harder and smarter.

In this blog we have outlined some of the products that you can adopt for your business today, as when trying to save costs, maintaining good hygiene practices in your business are still as important as ever.



Keeping your establishment clean is always a cost to your business. A great way to save substantially on cleaning products is to switch from ready to use products to super concentrates. Using Biovate’s super concentrates is a great way to make you pounds go further.

All Biovate surface and multi purpose cleaners only require 5ml per spray bottle, which is less than a teaspoon. And Biovate floor and wall degreasers only require 15ml = 3 teaspoons. By using pouches you will be reusing the trigger bottles, reducing the wastage by 300 plastic bottles! Not only are these products not harmful to the environment, but the packaging is recyclable and made from PCR plastic. And by being manufactured in the UK, transportation emissions are reduced!

The new Air Fresh Neutraliser Concentrate is a cost effective solution compared to ready to use, it destroys the source of odour instead of just masking it leaving a lovely fragrance in its place. Not only is it used on clothes, carpets and soft furnishing. It is also very effective to be used in urinals and toilets to eliminate odours.



Raphael Hygiene paper system

Time and waste accounts for cost in the washroom. The Rapahel® range is designed to create minimal waste, minimal fuss and maximum efficiency. It allows staff to focus on other priorities, as it’s designed to give you peace of mind that your washroom will be a cost efficient one.

With the toilet tissue (11706) giving you 250m per roll and the dispenser holding two rolls at a time, there is less frequent replenishment needed to be done. The translucent dispenser also allows for replenishment checks at a distance, saving valuable time. Dispensers are also free on loan saving you costs.

All Raphael paper products are FSC® certified and made in the UK.




The all purpose cloth is the most popular cloth in foodservice, it is designed for use over a single shift and then thrown away. By switching to a super cloth you can save costs as it can be reused and laundered up to 40 times. Yes the initial cost is about 3 times the cost of an all purpose cloth, but you quickly save money over the 40 uses. The super cloth comes in the standard colours of blue, green, red and yellow (25522, 25524, 25525, 11091).



P&G Cleaning

Energy costs are increasing for all of us but by switching to cleaning with cold water will save you costs. P&G Professional’s range of trusted cleaning brands including Ariel, Lenor, Fairy and Flash are formulated to deliver exceptional cleaning results even in low water temperatures and shorter wash cycles. Did you know that by switching to cold, you could save up to £500 on your yearly energy bill!*



By reducing product consumption it naturally also has a positive impact on the environment as we use less and waste less. However, an emphasis on sustainability should not come at the expense of product performance. The product solutions mentioned in this blog are just some of the products we offer.

For more product solutions, please visit


* Eurostat (Statistics for European Commission)

Cost of electricity saved for laundry when washing at 30C vs 60C cycle and for automatic dishwashing when using a short cycle (average 47C) vs. a normal cycle (average 57C). Plus cost of gas saved filling in a 10L bucket of water at 20C vs 50C for surface cleaning and a 45L sink at 20C vs 46C for hand dishwashing. Energy cost saving based on average H1 2022 electricity and gas prices (incl. taxes) for businesses in the United Kingdom, source Eurostat (Statistics for European Commission). Based on 4 washes per day (1460 per year) for both hand and automatic dishwashing, 1 wash per day (365 per year) for surface cleaning, and 10 loads per week (520 per year) for laundry.



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