by Julie Owst

3 things we’ve done to reduce our plastic impact

3 things we’ve done to reduce our plastic impact
The negative effects of plastic pollution have truly come to light in the past few years and talk around the issue has increased at a rapid rate – it’s never been more important to reduce plastic use.

Plastic Free July brings millions of people together each year to help combat plastic pollution and is a great time to take an active role in helping the environment.

This blog explores 3 things we’ve done to reduce our plastic impact and cut down on plastic waste in celebration of Plastic Free July and beyond.


1. Reduced our single use plastic



Although the pandemic has called for some single use plastic due to infection control, we are well on the way to reducing this as soon as circumstances permit.

For example, in 2020 we phased out a lot of single use cups and bottles in meetings rooms across several depots and purchased reusables instead – our employees embraced the change!


2. Reduced the density of our plastic pallet wrap



Yes, it’s possible to reduce the thickness of pallet wrap without compromising on quality – we’ve done just that!

This chart shows our consumption decreasing each year, demonstrating that a small change can have a big difference when it comes to overall plastic use!


3. Reduced the plastic content of our packaging



Several suppliers have already made commitments to reduce the plastic content of their packaging. In fact, so far we estimate that these commitments have the potential to reduce plastic by over 46,000 kilos per year! That’s why we have been working with some of our suppliers to look at how we can reduce the plastic content of some of our own brand packaging. We’ve also changed some black plastics to white so scanners at recycling plants can detect the plastic more easily.


These are just some of the ways we have been reducing our plastic use, and the process has taught us that simple changes can have a big impact when it comes to fighting plastic pollution. As things return to normal we are excited to push this even further!


To find out more about our work on sustainability, click here

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