by Michaela Bateman

3 barware solutions to help with lockdown easing this summer

3 barware solutions to help with lockdown easing this summer
We have finally made it… we keep on saying, but this time it looks like we have only got a few weeks left and the end is hopefully in sight. 82% of consumers intend to visit restaurants, or have a takeaway, to celebrate special occasions and sporting events this summer.* So, I predict that summer 2021 will be remembered for all the celebrations taking place across the country.

The return of all of hospitality will be happening in a few weeks’ time, if everything goes to plan… is your bar fully prepared for when we all want to celebrate? To help you I am going to go through three areas you should be considering.

1. Bar equipment

We all like to share our drink and food on social media, so having a drink is not all about the taste. You also need to ensure you are serving the drink in the correct glassware. Craft beers, flavoured gins and champagne are some of the bar trends predicted for growth over the next few years. Also almost a third (31%) of UK consumers plan on drinking less, or no, alcohol compared to what they drank pre-covid**.

It is not about serving all options but you need to decide on what fits with your customers and make sure you have the appropriate glassware that is stylish and durable, whether that is champagne flutes, high ball glasses or tulip beer glasses.

Also, to make it a bit easier for the barman, stock up on the bar necessities including bottle openers, measures, cocktail shakers, juice pourers and ice buckets.

2. Bar disposables

One positive that has come from the pandemic is how outdoor dining has flourished and it isn’t likely to go away anytime soon, especially as restaurants and bars have done such a great job with making the outdoor dining memorable with fairy lights and outdoor heating. You can read more about our support for outdoor dining here.

So what do you need for outdoor dining? Flexy glasses give you a great alternative to glassware; they are designed with a step in the base for maximum stackability. This also allows them to be easily pulled apart, making them an ideal choice in busy bars. They are packed in sleeve to keep them clean and dust free and they are recyclable!

Plus, remember to stock up on those all-important accessories such as paper straws and napkins in a colour that compliments the décor of your establishment.

3. Bar hygiene

Never would I have thought that hygiene would have been so talked about, but we all know how important it is and that first impressions count. Keep cleaning visible by having hand sanitising available to your customers and clean surfaces regularly with high quality sanitisers that kills covid.

To keep your glasses sparking, ensure you have the right glass washer detergent and rinse aid. By using beerline cleaner, you can keep your pumps clean, which really makes a difference to the taste of the beer that you are serving.

Colour coded cleaning is often overlooked but it is an essential part of any hygiene process ensuring that cross contamination is prevented, so are you using the correct colour bucket and mop for each area?


*Mintel Menu Trends report, January 2021

**CGA, Consumer Countdown to Reopening Series 2

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